2017 was yet another busy year in our support of local community events and we are delighted to have been a part of their success.
Fonthill Dog Show
In June we were principle sponsors of the South West Wilts Hunt Supporters Dog Show, a very well attended event on the Fonthill Estate where very serious classes mix with fun. There were a lot of beautiful and handsome dogs and some very proud canine owners left the competition happy. For more information visit: http://www.thefonthilldogshow.co.uk
Deverills Performing Arts
We have been enthusiastic supporters of Deverills Performing Arts, ‘an inspiring mix of music and drama across the seasons’ since its founding Festival in 2014. This year saw a varied line up of true talent performing to packed venues along the length of the charming Deverill Valley. Visit the Deverills website at: http://www.deverillsfestival.com
Chilmark Fete
We provided signage for our local village Fete in June. This year the sun shone throughout the afternoon and as always the village community stepped in with, among other things, Maypole dancing, a Band and the obligatory Pimms tent. An archetypal picture of English summer at its best.
Chilmark Show
Another sunny day in Chilmark, this time in early September where the annual show took place in the Fairmead Field opposite the Black Dog Pub. We were delighted to advertise in the programme and to see a fun packed day with some serious horticultural competition. A significant donation went to Chilmark based charity Team Rubicon, the disaster relief agency. Find out more by visiting their Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/ChilmarkVillageShow
East Knoyle Village BBQ
A great day was had at Moors Farm in early September where a village BBQ was the successful alternative to the Fete. Very well attended, with Tisbus ferrying revellers to the event, and we were more than happy to design and print the advertising fliers for distribution. Find out more about this event at: http://www.benofbart.org.uk/index.php/east-knoyle/199-ek-bbq-sep17
Teffont Show
More signage was provided by Rural View for this lovely August Show, set in probably the most attractive location of all in the grounds of Teffont Manor. Here Teffont Evias and Teffont Magna combine to produce a large and memorable event every year and we were again very proud to be a part of it. Visit the village website for more information: http://www.teffont.com
Donhead St Andrew Fete
A huge annual event which we have provided advertising signage for over the last few years. As with last year this took place on August Bank Holiday and really pulled in the crowds who enjoyed an extensive array of attractions, among which was another classic and vintage car and bike show.
Middle Down Kite Festival
This was the first Kite Festival to be organised by the Friends of Wardour School and we were very pleased to be principle sponsors. Taking place in mid September on the chalk ridge to the south of the A30, it attracted a great turnout, despite the mixed weather, and the kites could be seen for miles around. Next year looks to be bigger and even better. Pop over to their Facebook page for more details about the event: http://www.facebook.com/middledownkitefestival
SWW Huntertrials
This is always a good September day out in Fonthill Estate, with numerous competitors and a mini course. Rural View again sponsored the ‘thatched house’ jump and we witnessed some lovely hunters being put through their paces through both sun and rain. Why not follow them on Facebook to see photos from the event and keep up to date with future events: http://www.facebook.com/fonthillhuntertrials
‘Escape or Die’ Illustrated Talk
Presented by Paul Cordle in November, this was a fascinating and informative talk on the escape of the future Charles II from the clutches of the Parliamentarians after the Battle of Worcester and his fraught journey to temporary exile in France. Dinton Village Hall was packed to hear this story and we were delighted to sponsor it in aid of local village churches.